- eShop- definitions, start-up
2004 |
Material Handling
- log sorting system -simulation
2004 |
Regional network of Suupohja
- firewall -takeoff project
Food industry
- analyzing product data and customer orders
Earlier simulation projects: |
- food factory palletising system simulation
- production and palletising simalations
- trolley picking simulation
- several preliminary simulations for offers
2001 |
- simulation of an order picking system for brewery
- defining the capacity
- crate picking
- trolley picking
- several visualisations and simulations of reel handling systems
- simulation of pallitising systems
- layerpalletisers, robotpalletisers
- dising, visualisation and simulation of postproduction prosesses of an food factory
- simulation of an conveyor and palletising systen of an ice cream factory
- ...
1994 - 2000